- Bachelor's Degree
- Moved to Chicago
- Went to Thailand
- Went to Santa Fe
- Flew on a plane
- Went to Second City
- Learned to ride a horse
- Been loved
- Loved someone
- Had a blog for 8 years and counting
- Lost 50 lbs
- Took tango lessons
- Took hip-hop dance lessons
- Have my own art website/blog/facebook fan page/twitter account
- Sold a painting to a complete stranger
- Been in a juried art show
- Been in an art fair
- Had a solo art show
- Had an article written about my work
- Volunteered teaching art to "at risk" kids
- Taught a drawing class that I was paid for
- Taught myself to knit
- Took a sewing class
- Ran a 5k
- Learned Yoga and Pilates
- Worked on my mental/emotional health more than most people will do in an entire lifetime before I was out of my twenties.
- Sang Karaoke (two different occasions, although once I was WASTED)
- Stood up to my Superintendent when I was in h.s. and my soccer coach when they were being bullies. Oh and that one crazy boss. She was CRAZY.
- Owned a house.
- Been a landlord
- Went camping for 9 days straight
- Kayaked on the Chicago River
- Lived on my own since I was 16 and moved at least 16 times since then. That's more than once a year on average.
- Learned to drive a stick
- Told someone I still loved them even though I knew they didn't return the sentiment.
- Was on a float in Chicago's Gay Pride Parade
- Went on a Cruise to Jamaica.
- Got a tattoo
- Learned to play the clarinet. I guess I learned to play the piano too since I could play When the Saints Go Marching In.
- Biked around Chicago to and from work/school
- Lived in 6 different Chicago Neighborhoods
- Took the initiative to meet my Dad's childhood best friend
- Took my mental health into my own hands when I was 17 and again at 28.
- Learned how to remove/replace a laptop hard drive
- Taught myself html, although I have since forgotten. Kind of like the clarinet and piano.
- Learned soccer
- Went to see 3 different professional baseball team games and 2 soccer teams
- Saw Dave Matthews and Ozzy Osbourne in concert. I didn't pick either concert, but it was fun to go.
- Went to Ravinia
- Saw the New Year's Eve fireworks at Navy Pier from the Ferris Wheel
- Went to art museums in 5 different states (originally I had forgotten about the Georgia O'Keefe Museum and a museum in Savannah.)
- I was a missed connection on Craig's List
- I went on 5 road trips since I was old enough to do some of the driving
- I've had baked potato ice cream
- I went to a rib fest with a white shirt on and did not get 1 drop of bbq sauce on the shirt
- I have knit 2 pairs of the most awesome mittens ever
- I rode on a Harley
- I owned a horse
- I swam with a dolphin (and accidentally kicked the trainer in his bits. It's all on camera)
- I climbed a waterfall
- I met someone in a foreign country and hung out with them for almost an entire week
- Learned a line dance and went to the bar to do said dance over and over again with my childhood best friend until it drove the bartender nuts. We were like 12 or something. It was a Brooks and Dunn song.
- Went to a real play at the Goodwin Theater in Chicago
- Sat on top of a mesa
- Saw the painted desert
- Overcame my fear of roller coasters
- Went to a botanical garden
- Had a lesson in oil painting from THE Katie Bernhard
- Had a dinner party that was a success! Even after Tux tipped over the table like in a cartoon
- Had an adult sleep over (not the dirty kind, just the kind with friends, although the dirty kind as well if you must know)
- Picked out a casket/planned a funeral. Not something fun, but something to remind myself how strong I am
- Backed up my computer with Carbonite.com after about a year of "meaning to"
- Registered as a business!
- Stood on the Continental Divide
- Graffitied a bridge with Rishell. Got caught by her dad, had to paint over it.
- Snuck out of the house to make out with a boy
- Snuck a boy into the house to make out with him
- Skinny dipped (I grew up in the country)
- Played hide and go seek using the whole town to hide. It's amazing what you can do when there are only 60 something people living in a place
- Learned how to make an accordion sketchbook and filled it up!
- Was bucked off a horse, got back on (although not right back on. I couldn't move for awhile. I got back on another horse.)
- Saw Cirque de Sole
- Saw Paul McCartney in concert
- While on aforementioned cruise I got up on stage to play a game. I was out pretty quick.
- Stayed calm in a situation where a man most likely had a gun/violent intentions toward others
- Held a monkey
- Rode an elephant on 3 separate occasions (and counting fools.) If I ever win the lottery I will own an elephant and ride it everywhere. That is why God won't let me win the lottery.
- Rode on the back of a motorcycle taxi in Bangkok (and loved it! Tuk Tuks on the other hand...not so much.)
- Swam in the ocean (Actually 2 oceans and 1 sea.)
- Went on a haunted tour of Savannah
- Made a youtube video and posted it. (Not that it's interesting, just that it's done.)
- Did a 10 mile hike with one of Joe's very heavy first aid packs on my back. Although I did 2 miles up hill with the camping stuff on my back. Joe didn't think I was going to be able to do it.
- Played in an open fire hydrant with my dog
- Touched a sting ray
- Drove almost the entire length of route 66 with out realizing it
- Ate a kitchen sink at Colonial Cafe
- Saw Avatar in 3D IMAX 2x's.
- Had a sunburn so bad that I had to get silvadene. That was painful.
- Had a perfect day at a forest preserve in the middle of winter
- Been to 17 states.
- Been to the top of the Arch, the Sears Tower, and the John Hancock building.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
101 Things I've Already Experienced/Achieved In This Lifetime:
50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind:
- How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 23
- Which is worse, failing or never trying? Never Trying
- If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? Fear, crabs in a bucket, habit.
- When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? I truly hope not. I try to do more than say, but sometimes the answer to #3 gets in my way.
- What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? No more drug cartels/Congo type conflicts.
- If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? Being an artist (at least a productive one :D) or being a travel writer.
- Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? half and half.
- If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? I would drop everything and just back pack around the world right now. I would also forget about having kids since they would be 11 when I died. Although I might adopt some teenagers.
- To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? I feel that out of the things I could control 60 percent. I could do better.
- Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? Doing the right things.
- You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do? I would probably listen for awhile, wondering why they feel that way. I would probably ask why they feel that way. I would try to help them understand where my friend was coming from and let them know that she's actually pretty cool.
- If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Not that they would actually understand or take said advice, but it would probably be, "do what you what makes you happy as long as it doesn't drag other people down."
- Would you break the law to save a loved one? lol yes.
- Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? Hmmm, I think the closest I would have come to this is not liking Picaso until I saw his work in person. The same with Andrew Wyeth.
- What’s something you know you do differently than most people? Think.
- How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? This is stupid. It's because we all have different tastes.
- What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back? Only one thing? Be a nomad. My dogs hold me back. It would be tough to take them. Also my obligations to other people at the moment. Also, I would be lonely and afraid that everyone would forget about me/not care that I was gone.
- Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? Probably. Fear. The past.
- If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? New Mexico. It's warm there all year and no humidity.
- Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? Sometimes. No. It's just something to do while I wait.
- Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? I think I'm already the first. :D As long as I didn't have dreams of grandeur I would rather be the simpleton. Actually I am probably a worried simpleton which would be the worst of both. lol
- Why are you, you? I am me because of my parents/lack of parents. I am me because of what is in my heart.
- Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? Sometimes, sometimes not. I try to be a better friend than what I expect in return, but it's not always the case.
- Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? When a friend moves away. You can always pick back up with the friend that lives near you and it's usually so slow that you don't notice.
- What are you most grateful for? Being American, even if America does not have the best image any more. At least I have an option to fix 99% of my problems here. It's just about picking which ones first.
- Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? WTF, that is an awful question. So if I make new ones do they disappear when they become old? I would say lose all my old memories. If I didn't have memories then I would be able to start fresh with somethings.
- Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first? Yes. How can you challenge something you don't know is there? Unless you mean, like religion where no one knows the real answer. Actually, wth do you mean by truth and challenging it? I guess it would be pointless to challenge something that's true, except emotionally.
- Has your greatest fear ever come true? Yes, unless you mean tornadoes and jelly fish and falling elevators. Then no.
- Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Actually I do, smart ass. Does it really matter now? No, but it didn't really matter then and yes, it still makes me upset.
- What is your happiest childhood memory? Probably playing catch with my grandma. What makes it so special? She does her nails every week and she's a grandma, but she still got out there and played with me.
- At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? I don't know, but it most likely had to do with friends or art.
- If not now, then when? Never
- If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? What do you ever have to lose? I would say money.
- Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? No. However, I have said very little and felt that way.
- Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Because people use the holy books to justify their own greed and immoral behavior, that is until someone does it to them. Then they use the books to try and show people how horrible they are for doing those things.
- Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? Yes. But it's a personal decision.
- If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? Nope. I would just travel more and help some people.
- Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? More work I actually enjoy doing.
- Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? OMG yes. Now get out of my head.
- When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? It feels like everyday and not for a long time all in one.
- If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? What a downer this list is. My Grandparents. My niece and brothers. Joe's mom. A couple of friends. My Uncle. Can I just throw them all a going away party?
- Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? Nope. I may not like being over-weight but I like the way that I look and I would probably only like being famous every other day.
- What is the difference between being alive and truly living? Enjoying life vs. just getting by.
- When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? As soon as you know it's right.
- If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? Because they hurt. Also because some shit you just can't take back. Oh and people laugh.
- What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? I would wear awesome trendy clothes and my hair would be a rainbow of colors. I pretty much do everything else with out caring about people judging me. Oh except dance and sing in public. I would do those too.
- When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? When I did yoga the other day.
- What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? Love is for pussies. lol jk. My dogs. I guess. They seem happy. Joe. Probably not. Art. I try to do/look at something art related every day. I could work on all that.
- In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that? No because I haven't done anything. Plus it would be really flipping weird if I remembered every damn day of my life.
- Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? A little of both.
This article courtesy of: http://www.marcandangel.com
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Number 3
Today was the last day of no facebook for a week.
It's been tough because that's where I find out everything that's going on with my friends. It's been nice because I realize it can be a bit stressful.
I can't say I've cleared up a lot of free time as I spent the week entertaining my niece and playing The Sims 3. It's a little cheating because I wouldn't have been on much any way during that time, but I would have still checked a few times a day.
I've decided to limit my facebook time to one day a week, Monday. Because my last day is a Tuesday, that means I am going to go almost another whole week with out it. This is going to be a bit harder, but that's okay. Like everyone else I have a lot of other stuff I could be doing.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The List
Finish illustrations for children's book.
Be thisclose to finishing my Master's in Art Therapy
Learn to rock climb.
Learn basic French.
Finish knitting the never-ending blanket.
Learn Ninjitsu
Lose 50 lbs
Grow some tomatoes. Maybe raise some chickens. Oh and grow 2 Avocado trees
Learn to Tango
Go to a midnight premier.
See Lady GaGa or Britney Spears in concert. (Don't judge me, we all have our guilty pleasures.)
Play on a dart league...with people I know and like.
Play on a soccer league.
Learn to enjoy running...probably by myself.
Finish paying off my student loans.
Get a credit card with awesome flier mile deals. (Do those exist?)
Go on a vacation (by myself or with others) that I have planned.
Learn to shoot a pistol.
Complete a full circuit of a Beach Body work out.
Train my dogs...for real.
Answer the 50 questions that will free your mind.
See the Grand Canyon.
Do an artist in residence program at the painted desert.
Learn to meditate
Do 100 Consecutive Push-ups.
Be able to do 10 pull-ups.
The Sketchbook Project
Read Anna Karenina.
Write a letter to myself, to open in ten years.
Make a custom recipe book
See the Northern Lights
Jump out of an airplane.
Complete a half triathlon..
Be a signature member of the IWS.
Do 10 acts of random kindness
Write a will
Learn to scuba dive
learn the piano or cello
join a roller derby
See Wicked
Make an apple pie from scratch.
Read 26 books I've never read starting with each letter of the alphabet
Make a list of the top 5 people who have positively influenced me and write them letters
Buy a plant and keep it alive
Learn the basics of car maintenance
Send flowers anonymously to a friend in need
Go electronic free for a weekend (no cell, tv, internet, computer)
Enter a short story contest
Research/start investment plan; start retirement fund
Comment on 50 random blogs
Eliminate all clothing that does not currently fit
Participate in Operation Beautiful (http://operationbeautiful.com)
Try 10 new restaurants
Learn how to write with my right hand
Take a ride in a hot air balloon
Find a gallery I want to represent my artwork and gain representation.
Enter 3 new art contests in 2011
Finish Dog diptych
see a body worlds exhibit
finish writing class assignments
learn to make a delicious peanut sauce
volunteer for habitat for humanity
get my motorcycle license
build something out of wood.
sew that one bag
put away 25 dollars for every task completed.
don't complain about anything for a week.
find an inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art for my studio
take singing lessons so i'm not quite so horrible.
finish all the books currently on my shelves. not buy any more until i have.
finish redgy painting
get a new tattoo
get tattoo touched up
Establish an emergency fund
write down 100 things that make me happy
Have a board game night
Make and send a postcard to PostSecret
Go bungee jumping
Photograph a landscape from the same location, capturing all four seasons
Write a list of 101 things I’ve already achieved in this lifetime
Say yes to everything for an entire day
Complete at least 24 hours of community work
Try and finish 5 ideas from Instructables
Write my personal manifesto
Learn a new word every day for a month
Make an effort to learn more about politics before the next election
Create an inspiration notebook
Make a list of 25 things I like about myself
make a list of 100 best experiences of my life
become first aid certified
Organize my bookmarks
Learn 10 constellations
Apply for a game show
Ask 10 friends to suggest one book, and read them all
go on a spontaneous road trip
Stay in a haunted hotel
Go for a whole week without using Facebook
Organize my music "collection" and figure out how to add beats per minute so I can use the dj option on my mp3 player.
Change my name for a day and do things I wouldn't normally do
Invest in the stock market
Take a photo of myself every week for a year
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